Mother's Day Inspiration

Michele's 50 for 50 List

Things that are inspiring me at the moment…

I did a 50 for 50 list back in October when I turned 50. It’s mostly fun stuff since those tend to be the things I put off and don’t seem to make time for. I have a long way to go to get this list checked off but it’s been a fun and inspiring thing to motivate me and really allow me to reflect on some of the memories that I want to be sure to create.

Michele's 50x50 List

As always, I’m inspired by my family… my hubs (of 30 years this past March), my momma, my 2 kids and their spouses and my 4 grands bring me endless joy. I can’t imagine my life without any of them. I’m beyond blessed.

Michelle's Family

I’ve recently visited the Tucson Botanical Gardens and am feeling very inspired by all the cacti and desert blooms. Spending most of my life in the Pacific Northwest, I’m absolutely infatuated with the landscape and different shapes, colors and textures that the desert exhibits. I always thought the desert was ugly and boring, it’s funny how much my vision has changed! Every walk I take here I’m astounded by the beauty and life there is everywhere I look. And last but not least, the sunsets are exquisite! I’m already seeing the desert’s influence in little ways in my art and I'm loving it!

Michelle's Trip to Tucson