I wanted to take a minute to tell you all about #cupFULL2022. It was an artist challenge issued by myself, Lori Siebert (@lorisiebert.studio), Sharon Nullmeyer (@nullsie), Jo Turner (@joturnerillustration), and Kenzie Kae (@snippetsofwhimsy) over on Instagram for the month of July. We selected a specific object to focus on for the month-long challenge… A CUP!
Cups represent comfort, gathering, and nourishment. We selected a variety of our favorite women artist/designers to inspire and gave 2 days to complete each prompt. The challenge was designed to celebrate the female artists that have inspired us and encourage others to discover them.

I thought I’d share a few of the specific artists (and the matching art) from the challenge that have inspired me directly. Enjoy!
First is early 20th century Austrian fashion designer Emilie Louise Flöge. Her work had such an edgy combination of fashion, flair, color and detail. Her designs and innovations are still very relevant in style today. Watch a video of my process for this piece here.

Next up is American artist Mary Blair. Blair’s art was largely inspired by her original job working as an animator. Her murals and artwork were often featured at Disneyland and other famous locations. Her colors, modern design and whimsy make my heart so completely happy! Watch a video of my process for this piece here.

And no one can forget the unbelievably fabulous Quilters of Gee’s Bend who were so ahead of their time. Their quilts combined African American and Native American style to create a uniquely American style of quilting and quilts have been displayed in art museums across the United States. Their quilts were modern, outside the box and combined colors so brilliantly that I now want to make quilts.

If any of these artists were new to you, or you’d always wanted to learn more, I encourage you to take the time and research these amazing women, their stories and their art. What female artists have you taken inspiration from and why? I’d love to hear more on socials.
Also, our esteemed judges will be announcing prize winners soon! Many thanks to Janine Vangool, the creator and editor in chief of the fabulous Uppercase Magazine, Lilla Rogers, founder of the Lilla Rogers Studio and world-renowned agent and teacher and Enesco LLC, a long-standing company creating world-beloved gift and home decor products for over 60 years.
Check out the #cupFULL2022 hashtag on Instagram for all the beautiful pieces of art people created.